  • 闇金ウシジマくん

  • ほかの名前: Ushijima, Ushijima l'usurier de l'ombre, Ushijima the Loan Shark, 暗金丑岛君, 闇金ウシジマくん, Yamikin Ushijima-kun
  • 著者: MANABE Shohei
  • ジャンル: 心理的 - ドラマ - 青年 - 人生のひとこま - 悲劇 - 成熟した
  • 雑誌: Big Comic Spirits (Shogakukan)
  • 説明:
    丑嶋のもとを毎朝9時に訪れる「奴隷くん」と呼ばれる人々。それはパチンコ依存症の主婦たちのことで、丑嶋は彼女らに3万円の現金と引き換えに5万円の借用書にサインさせる。あらかじめ金利・手数料2万円を引いた上、1日3割もの暴利を課しているにも拘わらず、今日も彼の会社には哀れな訪問者が引きも切らない During the past decades, Japan has become the shining star of Asia, with its noteworthy achievements in the fields of science, technology, medicine, quality of life, and many others. Yet, while there are a great number of rich and successful Japanese people, there are even more of those engaged in a furious struggle for something as simple as earning to cover their day-to-day living expenses; all the while battling dangerous and money-consuming addictions such as gambling and alcoholism. What would these poor and not-so people do when they require the money to fulfill their never-ending desires, the desires that are part and parcel of being human? Just how miserable and dangerous might their lives become were they to fall into traps laid by yamikin, the loan sharks of the Japanese financial world’s dark side, whose only goal is to ensnare such weak-willed souls?
Tags: Ushijima Ushijima Raw Ushijima 493 Ushijima 492 Ushijima l'usurier de l'ombre Ushijima l'usurier de l'ombre Raw Ushijima l'usurier de l'ombre 493 Ushijima l'usurier de l'ombre 492 Ushijima the Loan Shark Ushijima the Loan Shark Raw Ushijima the Loan Shark 493 Ushijima the Loan Shark 492 暗金丑岛君 暗金丑岛君 Raw 暗金丑岛君 493 暗金丑岛君 492 闇金ウシジマくん 闇金ウシジマくん Raw 闇金ウシジマくん 493 闇金ウシジマくん 492 Yamikin Ushijima-kun Yamikin Ushijima-kun Raw Yamikin Ushijima-kun 493 Yamikin Ushijima-kun 492