あなたの近くにもいるかもしれない――。黒川御影(くろかわ・みかげ)、300歳。一見、地味めなアラサー女性。でも本当は、300回目の誕生日を迎えたばかりの三百路(みおじ)の魔女――!! ≪おひとり様≫を極めた彼女の毎日は妬み嫉み辛みに僻み…縛るものなど何も無い究極楽しいひとり暮らし♪ 自分の不幸も蜜の味! 300歳独身魔女の冒涜的日常コメディ!!! Once, Kurokawa Mikage was the fearful “Witch of Moonlight,” but now, 300 years later, she’s just an office lady and teased by her co-workers for still being single. Mikage thinks she’s fine with her ultimate spinster life, posting fake photos of a pretend relationship… Until the young and handsome Kobayashi Satoru joins her company! Is this the start of a real, bewitching romance at last!?