「名無し」の奴隷、黒猫族の少女。呪詛の首輪の強制力により、逃げ出す事も叶わず虐げられ、売り飛ばされるのをただ待っている日々──。そんなある日、少女が目にしたものとは…!? 第4回ネット小説大賞を受賞した大人気小説を堂々コミカライズ! When he realized it, the protagonist was in another world and had become a sword that was stabbed on an altar in a great plain, crowded with devil beast. The world he was in had a game like system; HP, MP, Strength, Vitality, Agility, Intelligence, Dexterity, Titles and Equipment. Following his instinct as a living sword, he traveled to find the one who could be his wielder, until he met with a cat girl that was about to be attacked by a bear type devil beast.