幼い頃の御恩を返すため、鬼の頭領・酒呑童子に嫁いだ人間の少女・真白。 お互いが好きすぎる新婚夫婦は、相手を想い過ぎてすれ違う!? そんな中酒呑さまのライバルが登場して…? 初めてのヤキモチ回や甘すぎる混浴回も収録された、絶対に見逃せない第2巻! When she was young, Mashiro’s life was saved by an oni. Turning 17, the ripe age to be eaten, she goes to marry him so that she can be eaten. However, he ends up doting on her excessively and has no intention to eat her?! The story of two unconsciously lovey-dovey newlyweds.