幸運にも宝くじで10億円が当選した元教師の健人(30)。 九州のとある無人島を買い取った彼はある日、異世界から迷い込んだ金髪碧眼のエルフを保護する。以来、展開される「美しく健気…(時々無自覚でえっちな)彼女・エリーゼ」との同居生活! 時には魔法の訓練やダンジョンの探索も! 真心込もった手料理もたらふく食べて、次第に健人は仕事の疲れを忘れ、心優しい彼女に癒されていく。 純情なおっさんとはぐれエルフ、二人きりで幸せな同居リゾート・ファンタジー! Kento (30 years old), won 1 billion yen in a lottery. In order to enjoy a nice slow life for the rest of his days, he bought a small uninhabited island off the coast of Southern Japan. However, one day he finds an unconscious woman on his beach that should not be there. When he runs up to check on her, he notices some rather sharp edges… The behaviors Elize brought from the other world are a little bit exciting for a normal guy like Kento… “A naive middle aged guy” and “wandering elf…” a happy cohabitation between the two of them on a resort island, begins now.