Maken Tsukai No Moto Shounen Hei Wa, Moto Teki Kanbu No Oneesan To Issho Ni Ikitai (manga), A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with a Missy, The Former Leader of His Enemies, A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with An Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive, Maken Tsukai no Moto Shōnen Hei wa, Moto Teki Kanbu no Onēsan to Issho ni Ikitai, Seorang Mantan Prajurit Laki-laki Pengguna Pedang Sakti, Ingin Tinggal Bersama Mbaknya yang Mantan Pemimpin Musuh, 魔剣使いの
冷酷無比な戦いぶりを疎まれ、旅の途中で勇者パーティを追放された魔剣使いの元少年兵・セト。 失敗続きで魔王軍を追い出された元幹部・サティス。 “元”敵同士のふたりは第二の人生を探すため共に旅をすることに。 時には温泉に行ったり、一緒のベッドで寝たり、追手の魔物に襲われたり、 居場所を失くしたもの同士が旅の果てに見つけるものは──!? (元)勇者一行の少年兵×(元)魔王軍幹部の“生き直し”ロードストーリー! Seto is an ex-boy soldier who was expelled from the party of heroes on his journey because of his ruthless and incomparable fighting style. The former leader of the Demon King’s army, Satis, was kicked out after a series of failures. The two “former” enemies decide to travel together to find a second life. Sometimes they go to hot springs, sometimes they sleep in the same bed, sometimes they are attacked by demons. But what do they find at the end of their journey when they lose their place in the world? The road story of the (former) brave boy soldier and (former) demon lord’s army leader’s “rebirth”!