突然異世界へ飛ばされたゲーム大好き社会人のミヅキ。持ち前の行動力と魔法の才能を活かし、異世界で魔導師としてたくましく生き延びていた。そんなミヅキの非凡な才能を見込んで、王国の超美形王子・エルシュオンから、ある「お願い」が言い渡されるが…!? 「やるからには好き勝手させてもらいます!」自分の道は自分で切り開く!ドS魔導師ミヅキが贈る、爽快異世界ファンタジー! One day, Kosaka Mitsuki was abruptly sent on a trip to a different world. She was an otaku, so she adapted really fast. Then she decided to live her life as a magician. She made a living by making full use of the benefits of the automaticly translated knowledge and language of her original world. But reality was harsh. She was keenly aware that she was handling ‘Bishie’ from this different world who could easily conquer a maiden hearts and dreams.