平凡で幸せな人生を歩んでいたサラリーマン田中タダシは、41歳の若さで病に倒れた。 ハズだった。 気が付くと彼は、中世のヨーロッパを思わせる世界に立っていた。 暖炉もなく、食事は手づかみ。都市には豚が放し飼い――― この厳しい世界で、「バリアン・ド・リオンクール」として第二の人生を歩む―――! Tanaka was a salaryman who lived an average life. That life came to an end when he was 41 years old…or it was supposed to. But when he came to, he was standing in a world that resembled ‘Medieval Europe’. There was no heating system, and food was eaten with your hands. On top of all that, pigs ran wild in the city…and what did the pigs eat? Shit. And in this harsh world, Tanaka would live his second life as ‘Balian De Lioncourt’. Will this average salaryman be able to survive?