名門スチュワート家のメラニーは、魔力の乏しい”落ちこぼれ”。そのせいで婚約を破棄され書庫にこもっていたら、失われた古代語の解読に成功! ところが、叔父に誘われた魔法学校で国一番の宮廷魔術師クインにその秘めた才能を知られて――!? Melanie, a member of the prestigious Stewart family, is a “dropout” with little magic power. When her engagement is called off because of her lack of magical powers, she finds herself in the library, where she succeeds in deciphering an ancient lost language! However, when her uncle invites her to a magic school, Quinn, the best court magician in the country, discovers her hidden talent…?