  • カンギバンカ

  • ほかの名前: カンギバンカ, Kangi Banka
  • 著者: 今村翔吾
  • ジャンル: 更新中
  • 雑誌: Pocket Shonen Magazine
  • 説明:
    「奪い、奪われることのない“くに”を作る」。それは盗賊の少年が思い描くにはあまりに壮大で矛盾した夢だった。時は戦国初期。繰り返される戦に民は傷つき、飢え、苦しんでいた。両親を失った孤児・九兵衛は、奴隷として売られるところを野盗団の棟梁・多聞丸に救われる。乱世で成り上がり、大名を目指すという野望を語る多聞丸に、九兵衛は魂の鼓動を感じた―――。歴史小説の傑作『じんかん』から生まれた、新たな戦国英雄譚! “Make a” Kuni “that will not be robbed and robbed.” It was a dream that was too grand and contradictory for a thief boy to envision. The time is the early Warring States period. The people were hurt, hungry, and suffering from repeated wars. Kyubei, an orphan who lost his parents, is saved by Tamonmaru, a bandit builder, who is sold as a slave. Kubei felt the heartbeat of Tamonmaru, who talked about his ambition to become a daimyo in a turbulent world. A new Sengoku hero Tan born from the masterpiece of the historical novel “Jinkan”!
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