神様の眷属・子猫のミーちゃんを助け、異世界転生することになった青年ネロ。だけど、懐いたミーちゃんが付いてきちゃった! 神様から授かったスキルを使って、異世界での生活頑張ります…と思ったら、スキルがミーちゃん用に「猫用品」を召喚するスキルになっていた――!! 猫用品で未来を切り開く!? 一人と一匹の異世界のんびり生活、開幕! While taking a break from studying, Neji Renta, an eighteen year old boy, saves a kitten but dies right after. The god told him that he can reincarnate but he chooses to live a life in another world instead. With his new friend kitten, the god’s pet named Mii, he will try his best to enjoy his life in the other world as Nero with his power to summon high quality cat food.